Yesodei Online

We Teach You to Think Independently
“Exposure to different subjects
at Yesodei HaTorah has helped
me at McGill. I am able to
contribute my own insights in my
Jewish studies courses, while I
learn every morning and evening
in thelocal kollel.”


Yesodei HaTorah is the foremost yeshiva for young men who want to develop their abilities to learn independently. We empower our students to understand the finest nuances of Torah while exploring its infinite depths.

Instead of listening to monotonous lectures in a large, impersonal setting, you will work closely with your rebbeim and peers to develop your skills while being intellectually and spiritually stimulated in small, intimate shiurim.

Our inspiring educators provide the essential Torah learning skills, guiding talmidim through the length and breadth of Torah, including Talmud, Chumash, Nach, Jewish Philosophy, Research Skills, and much more.

At Yesodei HaTorah, you will develop and strengthen your intellectual abilities so that for the rest of your life you will be among those individuals who genuinely know how to learn

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