Yesodei Online

“Bet Shemesh is a beautiful
place. Everywhere you look
it’s like looking at a postcard.
Everything you need is right
near you.”


We are located in Beit Shemesh, close to Jerusalem. Our facilities include a new beit midrash, four dormitories, a computer lounge, as well as newly renovated classrooms and offices. Our chadar ochel has a brand new kitchen where our chef prepares meals that are delicious and nutritious. The campus is completed by a workout room, a well-equipped music room, a full basketball court, and student lounges featuring ping-pong and foosball tables.

Located in the serene, fresh-air neighborhood of Zanoach, the Yeshiva is within walking distance of some of Israel's most beautiful hiking trails and bicycle paths.

The welcoming aliyah community of Sheinfeld borders our campus. This provides students with opportunities to spend time with local Anglo-Israeli families, and experience additional aspects of life in Israel — while enjoying the comforts of home. And Beit Shemesh boasts scores of kosher restaurants and shops.

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